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Location: Texas, United States

Overflowing. Christ-follower. Adoring wife. Mother. Francophile. Lover of languages. Aspiring chef. Wanderluster. Dabbler. Communicator. Free spirited, but powerfully attached.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

On a Jet Plane...

[5 juin, 2006; 4h50]

I hope that I never get tired of airports. Going to the airport is such a thrill for me, I feel like a wide-eyed little kid every time I enter one (which isn’t often enough). I love them. They always have an ice cream shop, smoothie stands, pretzels, cheesy gift shops… And for a self-proclaimed “people-watcher” like me, they provide hours of free entertainment. Well, free if you don’t count the price of the ticket you had to buy to get you in there.

I’m on the plane to Paris right now, and we’re soaring over the Allegheny Mountains at 10,668 meters, according to the monitor in front of me. To my left sits an overwhelmingly friendly Briton who has already bought me a champagne, and has offered since then to buy me a bottle of red wine and a cup of Irish coffee (I’ve politely refused… Not looking to get drunk on the first day of my European adventure).

I’m at the window seat, and my friend from the U.K. has the aisle. We’re in a three-seat row, but the seat between us is empty. A woman was sitting between us, but she had a panic attack right before we took off… now Marty (the Briton) and I are riding comfy.

I’ve just enjoyed a tidy little airplane meal: lasagna, Cesar salad, Milano cookies, a roll, and BUTTER—my favorite. I think Jerry Seinfeld has a routine about how fascinating airplane food is, and though he’s joking, I think he really is onto something. It’s SO EFFICIENT! Everything is so perfectly packaged. When I grow up, get married, and have kids, I think I’d like to serve all of our meals in those nifty little containers on those inspiring metal trays…

Or maybe just not.

For our in-flight entertainment, the crew played he movie “Firewall” with Harrison Ford. Pretty intense. Bradley and Dayton, I hope you realize how important those computer networking skills are! (And watch out… I hear Paul Bettany has an SKS with your names on it.)

I think next I’m going to watch “Failure to Launch” with Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Most of you know, I’m not usually a romantic comedy type of gal, but I actually sort of want to immerse myself in something mindless for a little bit. Maybe I’m sleepy.

It’s 4:50 a.m. in Paris right now, and with the seven-hour time difference, that makes it 9:50 p.m. in good ol’ Texas.


Jk. ;-)

A Paris,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! I am so glad you have such a great family! I think you must be close to the hotel where we stayed. Seems like the name was the Metropol or something. Sounds like a police force doesn't it? Anyway, I just remember being able to walk to the Eiffel Tower, shop and eat at great cafes. Thanks for the update. Love, Meeme

1:01 PM  

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