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Location: Texas, United States

Overflowing. Christ-follower. Adoring wife. Mother. Francophile. Lover of languages. Aspiring chef. Wanderluster. Dabbler. Communicator. Free spirited, but powerfully attached.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Some interesting things...

* The French NEVER put their bread on a plate. It's considered rude. You are supposed to eat the bread on the table, slice it on the table, and everything, because in the Middle Ages the bread WAS the plate, and it's sort of showing respect for the past. Weird, huh???

* The French rarely refrigerate their milk! It Fahhh-REAKED me out at first, but I asked the directrice at IES and she said that the milk is soooo uber-pasteurized that it really doesn't need to be refrigerated that often. They boil it like a billion times. The de Larminats drink what I think would be 2 percent milk. You can get skim, and I might ask if she would mind buying some. Apparently other host families have asked the students what they want from the grocery store. Mine haven't, but the directrice said that I've already paid them, so I should feel free to tell them what I want. Hmm! I dunno about that.

* I'm beginning to miss my dog, Jackson. It's hard not to when there are dogs like him EVERYWHERE! They aren't white-- they are honey-colored, but they look EXACTLY like him! My host mother and I were taking a walk and I mentioned to her that there were SO many dogs everywhere, and she was like (in French), "Ugh, yes, it's such a problem." I just nodded, but secretly I loved it! And none of them wear leashes, they just walk right alongside their owners. Awww.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first somewhat lengthy thing I have read in a while. Sahso and Jeckel don't wear a leash, and who doesn't like airports!?!?!? Glad you are enjoying your stay, it is fun reading about it. Keep up the good work...or something....that sounds really t-ballish....slugger...

8:41 AM  

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