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Location: Texas, United States

Overflowing. Christ-follower. Adoring wife. Mother. Francophile. Lover of languages. Aspiring chef. Wanderluster. Dabbler. Communicator. Free spirited, but powerfully attached.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Changing the subject...

A few of my classmates went to the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" grand premier last Thursday in Paris. I chose not to go since I was waking up early the next day to go to the country. However, judging by the amazing photos they took, I prolly should have gone.


Look at how close they got to Johnny Depp!!!

And Orlando Bloom!!!

LOOK! That's my friend Jen right in front of Johnny Depp! THAT'S HOW CLOSE THEY WERE!

They also took a ton of pictures of Johnny Depp's woman, Vanessa Paradis, but she's freakishly skinny and I don't like looking at those disturbing pictures, so I won't post them. ha.




Blogger the bandit said...

Your "Jealous" sign-off might be misconstrued as it directly follows your parenthetical remarks about Johnny's woman.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous you even had the OPPORTUNITY to see Johnny Depp, a.k.a. my favorite! Anyway, thanks for sharing the photos, even if they are not yours. Love, Meeme

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOOOH my goodness! Johnny Depp was lookin' good! And Orlando, sigh. But I must ask, was Kiera present? (she did, after all, play my favorite heroine Elizabeth Bennet)


8:58 PM  

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