An American Girl in Paris

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Location: Texas, United States

Overflowing. Christ-follower. Adoring wife. Mother. Francophile. Lover of languages. Aspiring chef. Wanderluster. Dabbler. Communicator. Free spirited, but powerfully attached.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sommes-nous là encore? [Are we there yet?]

I'm certainly "prête à partir en France!" (Translation-- READY TO GO.) I've been watching French movies, practicing my language skills with French students and professors, listening to classic French music and reading French books to prepare. Oh-- and I've completely stocked my wardrobe with chic ensembles that will hopefully allow me to blend in with the native peoples. :-)

All I need is my student visa, which I should finally attain this coming Monday. Many of you know, I've had to cancel and reschedule this visa appointment SEVERAL times because the French consulate keeps changing the rules. With all of the civil unrest in France, they keep tightening the restrictions and requirements for getting into the country.

But after spending this weekend in College Station with some of my favorite people ever, I'm going to head to the consulate in Houston and demand some satisfaction (or just nod shyly when they conduct the interview for giving me my visa).

Just a little over a month remains before I cross the pond, so expect more updates. And then starting June 5, my blog posts ought to get a LOT more interesting...

A bientôt, mes amis!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Overture to Illumination

In the summer of 2006, I will spend several weeks in Paris, France as part of a study abroad program. Throughout my adventures in Paris, I will post regularly to keep you, my friends and family, informed-- and hopefully thoroughly jealous, as well. ;-)

As my departure date draws near, stay tuned for updates on my trip preparation... And find out if I'm EVER able to go to Houston to get that darned student visa.