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Location: Texas, United States

Overflowing. Christ-follower. Adoring wife. Mother. Francophile. Lover of languages. Aspiring chef. Wanderluster. Dabbler. Communicator. Free spirited, but powerfully attached.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Westie deNial Virus

(Basically I just felt like making a pun there, but yes, France has denied me its Westies. Additionally, I know that "Nile," as in "West Nile Virus," is not spelled "Nial." But "denial" has an "a" in it... and I had to choose one word to spell wrong.)

*** This just in:
Puns are way less funny when you have to explain them.

I am the partial-owner of the greatest living creature on the planet, a White West Highland Terrier named Jackson. Westies are the most delightful animals, and I generally have the same personality as a Westie: stubborn, determined, but still gentle and almost always enthusiastic (with the occasional mood swings).

Out of the hundreds and hundreds of dogs I see every day, up until today I had only seen one Westie since I got here, and that was while I was looking out a bus window!

But FINALLY, thank the LORD, I passed a Westie on the street today. French dogs don’t ever wear leashes; they just follow their owners. But THIS French dog was wearing a leash, and I knew why! Without a leash, that Westie would have just followed his nose, not his owner; that’s how Westies roll, they don’t let people boss them around.

I ended up practically shouting for joy when I saw him, and I asked the owner (in French, booyah) if I could take a picture of the Westie. Our conversation went a little something like this:

Me: AGH! Can I take a picture of your dog? I have the same type of dog, but he’s in the United States, and I miss him!

Dog’s owner: Uhhhh…

And meanwhile I proceeded to snap three pictures. You can see them here:

WESTIE!!! (Copy and Paste the URL)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sis,

Thanks for the pics of the hot French babe! I miss having you here to scratch my chest, but I hope you're having fun. I can't wait 'til you come home. Bring me some creme brulee flavored rawhides. Love, Jackson

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jackson's so silly!

Uno got a Wire Fox Terrier cut on Fri. He looks so regal.

Miss ya!


7:03 AM  

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